Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
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Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs
how to use woofybloom mushrooms
how long woofybloom mushrooms last
quality of woofybloom mushrooms
all natural woofybloom mushrooms

Medicinal Mushroom Blend for Dogs

These mushrooms help relieve itchiness, reduce lumps & bumps, boost energy in senior dogs, and support overall vitality, making your dog feel healthier.





Lion's mane




Gut health

Turkey Tail.svg__PID:2eb3361a-8181-4687-83b1-6765b0ce7b8f

Turkey tail


Sold Out Again Due to High Demand!

Thank you for your incredible support! While we’ve sold out faster than expected again, fresh stock is arriving Dec 31–Jan 4. We’re increasing production to keep up with demand, so availability will soon be more consistent. Place your order now to lock in the sale price and free shipping—this offer is only available until we restock. Orders will ship starting Jan 5 (or sooner), with delivery in 2–5 days via USPS.

Our ingredients

Frame 48063.svg__PID:ccd47354-cd17-49c0-8856-a5626b175ded

Human grade

Frame 48064.svg__PID:d47354cd-1789-4088-96a5-626b175dede2

100% Natural

Frame 48066.svg__PID:bdccd473-54cd-4789-8088-56a5626b175d


Frame 48065.svg__PID:7354cd17-89c0-4856-a562-6b175dede2b5


Frame 48062.svg__PID:5a81bdcc-d473-44cd-9789-c08856a5626b

Without sugar

Our ingredients

Frame 48062.svg__PID:5a81bdcc-d473-44cd-9789-c08856a5626b

Without sugar

Frame 48065.svg__PID:7354cd17-89c0-4856-a562-6b175dede2b5


Frame 48064.svg__PID:d47354cd-1789-4088-96a5-626b175dede2

100% Natural

Frame 48066.svg__PID:bdccd473-54cd-4789-8088-56a5626b175d


Frame 48063.svg__PID:ccd47354-cd17-49c0-8856-a5626b175ded

Human grade

Scientifically proven benefits

In both modern and traditional medicine, these functional mushrooms are valued for their anti-inflammatory properties, immunity-boosting properties and general health improvement. We have harnessed the natural powers of mushrooms to promote your dog's longevity.

Chaga 2-4.jpg__PID:c39b127c-f507-47fe-90b1-d707615a7835


Studies show that this mushroom has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Regulates the immune system. It also has anti-viral properties and may have a positive effect on the intestinal microbiota.

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4[5]

Reishi exp.jpeg__PID:7cf507c7-fe90-41d7-8761-5a7835a66182


Known in traditional Chinese medicine as the "mushroom of immortality". Studies show that Reishi may have anti-ageing properties, reduce allergic symptoms due to its anti-histamine effect, boost immunity, and help reduce anxiety.

[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Lions mane exp.jpeg__PID:127cf507-c7fe-40b1-9707-615a7835a661

Lion's mane

Has the ability to stimulate neuronal growth in the brain. As our pets age much faster, this mushroom has great potential to protect against cognitive decline. In addition, according to studies, Lion's Mane can improve the intestinal microflora of dogs by enhancing overall immunity.

11]  [12]  [13]

Untitled design-2.jpg__PID:61194ece-91ad-454f-9470-0a5b718a2d66

Turkey tail

The most studied mushroom for its effects on dogs with hemangiosarcoma, one of the most aggressive cancers. It shows significant potential to improve survival times by strengthening the immune system to target cancer cells. It is beneficial not only for dogs facing cancer but also as a preventative measure for overall wellness.

[14]  [15]

Magiška nauda. Tikri ingridientai.

Šie funkciniai grybai amžius buvo vertinami dėl jų priešuždegiminių savybių, imuniteto stiprinimo bei
 bendros sveikatos gerinimo. Ir mes panaudojome šias natūralias galias, kad tu padėtum savo šuniui
būti ilgaamžiu ir laimingu.

Reishi exp.jpeg__PID:7cf507c7-fe90-41d7-8761-5a7835a66182


Tradicinėje kinų medicinoje yra žinomas kaip „nemirtingumo grybas“. Gali turėti savybių, stabdančių senėjimo procesus, mažinti alerginius simptomus dėl anti-histamininio poveikio, stiprinti imunitetą, bei padėti mažinti nerimą.

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]

Lions mane exp.jpeg__PID:127cf507-c7fe-40b1-9707-615a7835a661

Liūto karčiai

Pasižymi už gebėjimą skatinti neuronų augimą smegenyse. Kadangi mūsų augintiniai sensta kur kas greičiau, šis grybas rodo didelį potencialą apsaugoti nuo kognityvinio nuosmukio. Bet to, pastarieji tyrimai rodo, kad Liūto Karčiai gali pagerinti šunų žarnyno mikroflorą stiprinant bendrą imunitetą.

[6]  [
7]  [8]

Cordyceps exp.jpeg__PID:9b127cf5-07c7-4e90-b1d7-07615a7835a6


Ypatingą dėmesį tradicinėje medicinoje pelnęs už gebėjima palaikyti sveiką energijos lygį bei kovoti su oksidaciniu stresu. Pastarasis ypač prisideda prie senėjimo proceso. Nenustebk, jei savo šunį dažniau matysi gyvybingesnį.

[9]  [10]

Chaga 2-4.jpg__PID:c39b127c-f507-47fe-90b1-d707615a7835


Tyrimai rodo, kad šis grybas pasižymi anti-vėžinėmis bei uždegimą mažinančiomis savybėmis. Reguliuoja imuninės sistemos veiklą. Taip pat turi anti-virusinių savybių bei gali pozityviai veikti žarnyno mikrobiotą

[11]  [12]  [13]  [14]  [15]

Our ingredients

Frame 48064.svg__PID:d47354cd-1789-4088-96a5-626b175dede2

100% Natural

Frame 48065.svg__PID:7354cd17-89c0-4856-a562-6b175dede2b5


Frame 48062.svg__PID:5a81bdcc-d473-44cd-9789-c08856a5626b

Without sugar

Frame 48066.svg__PID:bdccd473-54cd-4789-8088-56a5626b175d


Frame 48063.svg__PID:ccd47354-cd17-49c0-8856-a5626b175ded

Human grade

Scientifically proven benefits

In both modern and traditional medicine, these functional mushrooms are valued for their anti-inflammatory properties, immunity-boosting properties and general health improvement. We have harnessed the natural powers of mushrooms to promote your dog's longevity.

Chaga 2-4.jpg__PID:c39b127c-f507-47fe-90b1-d707615a7835


Studies show that this mushroom has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Regulates the immune system. It also has anti-viral properties and may have a positive effect on the intestinal microbiota.

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]

Reishi exp.jpeg__PID:7cf507c7-fe90-41d7-8761-5a7835a66182


Known in traditional Chinese medicine as the "mushroom of immortality". Studies show that Reishi may have anti-ageing properties, reduce allergic symptoms due to its anti-histamine effect, boost immunity, and help reduce anxiety.

[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Lions mane exp.jpeg__PID:127cf507-c7fe-40b1-9707-615a7835a661

Lion's mane

Has the ability to stimulate neuronal growth in the brain. As our pets age much faster, this mushroom has great potential to protect against cognitive decline. In addition, according to studies, Lion's Mane can improve the intestinal microflora of dogs by enhancing overall immunity.

[11]  [12]  [13]

Untitled design-2.jpg__PID:61194ece-91ad-454f-9470-0a5b718a2d66

Turkey tail

The most studied mushroom for its effects on dogs with hemangiosarcoma, one of the most aggressive cancers. It shows significant potential to improve survival times by strengthening the immune system to target cancer cells. It is beneficial not only for dogs facing cancer but also as a preventative measure for overall wellness.

[14]  [15]

Black & Yellow Modern Business Quote Instagram Post.png__PID:2fac0581-3c35-4472-9fc8-58c0d02e8994
Ihor-Basko 2.jpg__PID:26537382-283b-4079-a208-dfecbac89fc0

"In my practice, I regularly use functional mushrooms for dogs. I have seen amazing results when using them as a natural remedy for various health problems. I mean everything from blood pressure control to cancer treatment. There is no plant that can do as much as functional mushrooms. In short, they are miracle plants."

Dr. Ihor Basko

Veterinary doctor and mushroom expert

Black & Yellow Modern Business Quote Instagram Post.png__PID:2fac0581-3c35-4472-9fc8-58c0d02e8994
Ihor-Basko 2.jpg__PID:ccbcffd6-ac2f-4792-9295-c07a0c3256c0

"In my practice, I regularly use functional mushrooms for dogs. I have seen amazing results when using them as a natural remedy for various health problems. I mean everything from blood pressure control to cancer treatment. There is no plant that can do as much as functional mushrooms. In short, they are miracle plants."

Dr. Ihor Basko

Veterinary doctor and mushroom expert

What dog's owners say:

Ruth, Maja's mother

I have a 10 year old Schnauzer who has skin and other health problems, so I decided to try mushroom powder and we are now finishing the first package. I simply sprinkle it on her food with water and she eagerly eats it. Her skin has improved a lot and she seems more energetic and wants to play and move more often. We have already ordered a second package.

Lora, Simba's mother

We had a lot of problems with allergies, the dog would scratch a lot, lick his paws, and his eyes would crinkle. We changed the food several times, went to the vet and nothing helped. On various holistic forums, medicinal mushrooms have been recommended in many places. So I was happy to find woofy blend for dogs. We have been using it for a few months now, the crunching has disappeared, the excessive paw licking has disappeared too, there is still the occasional bite, but there is a very obvious difference from before! I highly recommend it!

Ala, Luna's mother

Woofy mushrooms were recommended to me by our vet as an immunity booster. As our dog is 12 years old and we have recently started to visit the vet more often than necessary. We have been using it for 1 month now. I mix the powder with her food and she eats it all without problems. Her skin and coat have improved and she scratches less. One package lasts a long time. We will run out and will definitely buy another!

Leah, Arcis' mother

My 11 year old crossbreed has a lump on his belly. I always take a holistic approach to my own and my pet's health, so after more research and consultation I chose woofywell medicinal mushrooms. After the first week of use, there was already a clear reduction in size. After 6 weeks it has almost disappeared, but I will continue to give them to Arci for the immunity and long-term benefits.

Modestas, Loki's dad

I myself use various health supplements (including functional mushrooms). Therefore, I wondered if the same holistic supplements are available for my Loki (Rottweiler, 8 years old). I found Woofybloom, read the reviews and now it's the second month of use. After a few weeks I noticed that Loki started to climb the stairs more easily, more lively and even some redness on his belly dissapeared. We will definitely keep using it. Thank you!

Let's compare owners who do and
don't feed their dog medicinal mushroom


Property 1=Heart.svg__PID:ca68ec29-4ba7-4201-920e-141c44b4a2ca


Property 1=FirstAid.svg__PID:326329ca-68ec-494b-a7d2-01920e141c44

Face chronic diseases

Property 1=Coins.svg__PID:cb913d32-6329-4a68-ac29-4ba7d201920e

Spend money on unnecessary vet visits

Property 1=PawPrint.svg__PID:294ba7d2-0192-4e14-9c44-b4a2cab784c7

Worry about dog's health

Property 1=Dog.svg__PID:913d3263-29ca-48ec-a94b-a7d201920e14

See rapidly ageing dog


Property 1=Heart.svg__PID:ca68ec29-4ba7-4201-920e-141c44b4a2ca


Property 1=HandHeart.svg__PID:29ca68ec-294b-47d2-8192-0e141c44b4a2

Taking care of prevention

Property 1=PiggyBank.svg__PID:4ba7d201-920e-441c-84b4-a2cab784c7e3

Save money

Property 1=FlowerLotus.svg__PID:6329ca68-ec29-4ba7-9201-920e141c44b4

Feel calm about dog's health

Property 1=Heartbeat.svg__PID:68ec294b-a7d2-4192-8e14-1c44b4a2cab7

Enjoy dog's vitality

Let's compare owners who do and don't feed their dog medicinal mushroom


Property 1=Heart.svg__PID:ca68ec29-4ba7-4201-920e-141c44b4a2ca


Property 1=FirstAid.svg__PID:326329ca-68ec-494b-a7d2-01920e141c44

Face chronic diseases

Property 1=Coins.svg__PID:cb913d32-6329-4a68-ac29-4ba7d201920e

Spend money on unnecessary vet visits

Property 1=PawPrint.svg__PID:294ba7d2-0192-4e14-9c44-b4a2cab784c7

Worry about dog's health

Property 1=Dog.svg__PID:913d3263-29ca-48ec-a94b-a7d201920e14

See rapidly ageing dog


Property 1=Heart.svg__PID:ca68ec29-4ba7-4201-920e-141c44b4a2ca


Property 1=HandHeart.svg__PID:29ca68ec-294b-47d2-8192-0e141c44b4a2

Take care of prevention

Property 1=PiggyBank.svg__PID:4ba7d201-920e-441c-84b4-a2cab784c7e3

Save money

Property 1=FlowerLotus.svg__PID:6329ca68-ec29-4ba7-9201-920e141c44b4

Feel calm about dog's health

Property 1=Heartbeat.svg__PID:68ec294b-a7d2-4192-8e14-1c44b4a2cab7

Enjoy dog's vitality

Property 1=DropHalfBottom.svg__PID:3d326329-ca68-4c29-8ba7-d201920e141c


Property 1=Asclepius.svg__PID:cccb913d-3263-49ca-a8ec-294ba7d20192

High beta
glucan content

Property 1=Plant.svg__PID:a7d20192-0e14-4c44-b4a2-cab784c7e373

100% fruiting bodies

Property 1=NumberCircleTwo.svg__PID:ec294ba7-d201-420e-941c-44b4a2cab784


Property 1=Variant5.svg__PID:d201920e-141c-44b4-a2ca-b784c7e373fd

4 mushroom synergy

Property 1=DropHalfBottom.svg__PID:6ac43cb3-cccb-413d-b263-29ca68ec294b



Property 1=Asclepius.svg__PID:cccb913d-3263-49ca-a8ec-294ba7d20192

High beta

glucan content

Property 1=Plant.svg__PID:a7d20192-0e14-4c44-b4a2-cab784c7e373

100% fruiting

Property 1=NumberCircleTwo.svg__PID:ec294ba7-d201-420e-941c-44b4a2cab784



Property 1=Variant5.svg__PID:d201920e-141c-44b4-a2ca-b784c7e373fd

4 mushroom


How to use?

Mix the recommended amount daily with your dog's food. Suitable for all breeds, sizes and dogs over 12 weeks old. Use the provided scoop; fill slightly less than full.

Increase portions gradually over the first 7-10 days up to the recommended daily portion based on the dog's weight.

up to 20 lbs

1 scoop

up to 40 lbs

2 scoops

up to 60 lbs

3 scoops

up to 90 lbs

4 scoops

What if you have a picky eater? Read here.

t4 sq.jpg__PID:1e7fc5d3-ae2b-4c96-b75a-5f5526fd1a1d

How to use?

Mix the recommended amount daily with your dog's food. Suitable for all breeds, sizes and dogs over 12 weeks old. Use the provided scoop; fill slightly less than full.

Increase portions gradually over the first 7-10 days up to the recommended daily portion based on the dog's weight.

up to 20 lbs

1 scoop

up to 40 lbs

2 scoops

up tp 60 lbs

3 scoops

up to 90 lbs

4 scoops

What if you have a picky eater? Read here.

 t8 square.jpg__PID:7067b2e7-7af7-4dcf-8fa3-a8afea0ad7a8

How many days does one package last?

up to 20 lbs

120 days

up to 40 lbs

60 days

up to 60 lbs

40 days

up to 90 lbs

30 days

If your pet has a medical condition, consult your vet before use. Store in a dry, cool place away from sunlight.

WB v03-2.jpg__PID:50256ed7-af24-4179-aaee-647af726df92
WB v03-2.jpg__PID:50256ed7-af24-4179-aaee-647af726df92

How many days does one package last?

up to 20 lbs

120 days

up to 40 lbs

60 days

up to 60 lbs

40 days

up to 90 lbs

30 days

If your pet has a medical condition, consult your vet before use. Store in a dry, cool place away from sunlight.

Frequently asked questions

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